Running a marathon can appear to be a daunting challenge even for regular runners who have completed half marathon distance in the past. However, it doesn’t have to be. With…
Category Archives: Chiropody & Podiatry

Whilst foot complaints are very common they can easily be avoided, we recently highlighted some of the more common foot problems our Podiatrists here at the clinic diagnose and treat…

Foot complaints are common and can affect anyone from Olympian athletes to those who don’t participate in sporting activities at all. Simple things such as poorly fitting footwear can result…

This World Diabetes Day, 14th November 2017, our podiatrists want to highlight the importance of caring for your feet. Good foot care is essential for everyone, more so, if you…

What is the Sinus Tarsi? This is a tunnel, or an anatomical depression between the talus and the calcaneus, in the subtalar joint. Within the tunnel lies several soft tissue…

Back on home soil, Felicity is back to training with just one week to go to the Kielder Marathon Marathon Blog: Week 6 Following the pretty terrible effort at keeping up…

The issue of pronation causes concern amongst a lot of sports people, especially runners. At Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic, our podiatrists are experts in biomechanics and gait analysis – here they explain…

The adult verruca is on the rise and – as many NHS trusts do not offer treatment for a verruca – many people are now seeking self- or home-remedies for…

With the 9th of June and the annual Blaydon Race approaching, the team here at Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic hope your training is going to plan. This 5.6 mile race,…

As a parent, it is great to see your child becoming active, joining sports teams and enjoying themselves whilst getting exercise. The range and breadth of sports and activities available…