Registration Benefits for your Club
Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic has committed to investing over £45,000 on injury prevention, education and treatments to Northumberland Football Association (FA) Affiliates throughout the 2018/19 season. As part of your affiliation with Northumberland FA your club has access to elite standard musculoskeletal specialists who have over 20 years’ experience working within football, including treating injured players from all levels from premier league to youth teams and providing match day physiotherapy and massage services.
Working alongside your club and its members, therapists from Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic will complement your existing support team, working closely with players and coaches to help strengthen the squads, reduce the risk of injuries and return any injured players to the field as quickly as possible.
By registering your club to Newcastle Sports Injury Clinic’s free injury treatment, prevention and education scheme, your players, coaches and supporting staff will have immediate access to a host of benefits, including; access to a free injury advice hotline, fast-track treatment at one of three North East-based clinics and two free physiotherapy or osteopathy treatment sessions per season, per club, as well as access to CPD training workshops. Further information regarding the benefits of the scheme can be found here.
Register your club up today to begin receiving immediate access to injury prevention, treatment and education services to help keep your club, support staff and players at the top of their game throughout the 2018/19 season.